Limited time offer

We’re offering Snowflake and Databricks customers an exclusive limited time offer

*See terms and conditions below.

Free migration service

Empower everyone across the organization to innovate.


Migration services credit  

One-time credit (up to $100,000) toward cloud migration services, which can include the discovery and analysis phases of Teradata deployment.

Product credit

One-time credit (up to 100% of first-year term) toward replaced competitor workloads for product-only contracts.

Request a quote now

Get started with your migration to Teradata today

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*Terms and conditions  

 • Available on the first five deals signed by customers on or before 30 June 2025. 
 • Applicable to competitive workload take outs only. 
 • 3-Year contract commitment required, no CFC. 
 • Reference pricing must apply from Year 2 onwards. 
 • Eligible for VantageCloud Enterprise and Vantage Cloud Lake opportunities on all CSPs, and IFX on-prem. 
 • Available to new and existing clients.
 • Minimum deal value of $150k product reference price year 2 onwards for new clients.