American Airlines

American Airlines flies to new heights in the cloud.

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American Airlines is the world’s largest airline when measured by fleet size, scheduled passengers carried, and number of destinations served. Its mission is to “care for people on life’s journey.”

The airline averages 6,800 flights per day to more than 365 destinations in 61 countries and in 2021, safely transported 164M passengers. This impressive airline fuels business-critical operations across multiple business departments performing analytics for revenue management, technical operations, network planning, marketing, cargo, passenger sales, and more, all using Teradata Vantage as its connected cloud data platform. Data is the fuel for American Airlines and analytics are the propulsion that lifts American Airlines above the everyday turbulence encountered by airline operators.

“In the past when we didn't have our data readily available in near real-time, it would take us 20-30 days to figure out what we should have done or how we can make things better. Now that we have all our data in the Cloud, we are able to make decisions within 12 or 24 hours. It's a significant improvement to where we were before.”

Jason Newton, Managing Director, Enterprise Data & Automation


Data and analytics fuel business-critical operations.

Operating, sensing, and responding to challenges are daily occurrences for a global airline. American Airlines relies on Teradata Vantage on Azure across all facets of its business, ranging from core business operations, to irregular operations response (e.g. snowstorms or thunderstorms), vouchers and refunds as a result of the pandemic, and identifying and prioritizing emerging destinations. For example, American Airlines utilized passenger and booking data to identify popular, new travel destinations during the pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, American Airlines flew one, small passenger flight to Bozeman, MT daily. During the pandemic, Bozeman became a popular destination by people looking for an escape from dense populations and to the outdoors. By analyzing booking data, American Airlines identified and forecasted customer demand, properly staffing and scheduling flights to these newly emerging popular destinations. Newton shares how the airline turns to data for answers.


Data helps American Airlines protect a world worth traveling.

With an ambition to save 50M gallons of jet fuel usage and reduce its global carbon footprint by 2025, American Airlines is successfully utilizing data on the Teradata Vantage on Azure platform to save and optimize fuel burn of its fleet. This reduction amounts to significant cost savings, which American Airlines passes down to its customers. The result is a win for the environment, American Airlines customers, and the airline.

Teradata + Microsoft = Better Together

Coupled with the worldwide footprint of Microsoft Azure, customers can use the powerful cloud architecture of Vantage to attain the highest levels of advanced analytics. Learn how Teradata and Azure make it easy to perform enterprise analytics in the cloud.

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