
Souma Das

Souma Das is Managing Director at Teradata India. He brings with him more than 29 years of technology industry leadership experience that comprises of enterprise software knowledge, general management, sales and business development, strategic consulting and professional services and executive management experience.

At Teradata, Souma is responsible for providing leadership & overall strategic direction to the company’s India business overseeing field operations that include sales, customer management, marketing, professional services and customer support.

Souma is a results-oriented executive who enjoys building, coaching and nurturing teams to create high performing talent driving new growth revenue lines for businesses.

Before joining Teradata, Souma was the Regional Vice President and Managing Director for Qlik for its India operations and was responsible for leading the team to drive growth, revenue and customer satisfaction for organisations leveraging Qlik’s analytics platform.

Prior to joining Qlik, Souma was the Regional Vice President and Managing Director of Infor in India. Souma also, built and headed the Indian operations for Citrix Systems for close to a decade as their Vice President. He  started his career with Wipro Technologies and moved on to work for IBM across various roles and functions.

Souma holds a Post graduated in Executive Management  from  Duke University – Fuqua School business and has a MS  in Computer Science and Applications from Jadavpur University.


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