
Anthony Cicero

Sr. Security/Privacy Solutions Architect, Teradata

As a member of the Center for Enterprise Security (CES) team, Anthony works closely with Teradata's strategic customers in the Americas to help them design the right security framework and strategy solutions to meet their security and privacy needs. This includes encryption, authentication, access control, etc. by building on the foundation of advocating, designing and delivering defense in depth, industry best-practices. As a Security/Privacy Architect, Anthony is responsible for articulating to customers all aspects of security and privacy to assist account teams with closing new and existing core opportunities by focusing on the customers’ business-enabled security, privacy and compliance requirements.

Anthony is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and has been working exclusively within the security and privacy realm for 20 years. Previously, he ran the premier customer success organization for McAfee supporting North America which provided security consulting and support to the worlds largest companies including current Teradata customers.  

Anthony loves boating, golf, home improvement and cars (classics and fast sports cars).


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