
Announcing Vantage Trial

Vantage Trial provides free, 30-day access to Teradata Vantage in the cloud along with easy-to-use, web-based tools and applications for performing advanced analytics. Learn more.

Aditya Thatte
Aditya Thatte
29. Juni 2020 3 min Lesezeit
Teradata Vantage Free Trial.
We’re pleased to announce Limited Availability of Vantage Trial, which is an invitation-only program.
Vantage Trial provides free, 30-day access to Teradata Vantage in the cloud along with easy-to-use, web-based tools and applications for performing advanced analytics, enabling faster evaluation and reduced time-to-value. Contact your Teradata Account team to request a Trial.

Picture1.pngVantage Trial Key Features
Vantage Trial is powered by the company’s flagship product, Teradata Vantage (previously known as Teradata Database). It also includes powerful applications including Vantage Analyst, Vantage Editor, Console, and Jupyter.
  • Vantage: Offers the most comprehensive Advanced SQL Engine with the highest performance and lowest cost per query at scale.
  • Native Object Store (NOS): NOS is a Vantage feature that can load and directly use data in object stores such as Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage. This enables business analysts, data scientists, and developers to combine their cloud data lakes with their data warehouses. Users can perform in-place queries or join data from these object stores directly in SQL. NOS currently supports CSV, JSON, and Parquet data formats.
  • In-database Analytics: Vantage includes advanced functions normally found in separate products, such as path, patterning, and time series. These functions leverage the parallel processing of Vantage and provide high performance by moving the analytics to the data.
  • Editor: A web-based editor for SQL developers. With Editor, developers can run SQL queries, upload data in CSV-formatted files, create scripts, and save data.
  • Analyst: A tool for business analysts and citizen data scientists to perform advanced analytics without code using point-and-click tools.
  • Console: A web-based dashboard for administrators to monitor and manage Vantage. Users can perform operations such as scaling up/down and out/in or stopping and restarting.
  • Jupyter: An open source tool that enables developers to create, execute, and share documents that contains live code, equations, visualisations, and narrative text. With Vantage Trial, Teradata provides a Jupyter environment where Users can execute Python and SQL code on Vantage.
Vantage Trial Use Cases
  • Included examples: Users get access to pre-loaded datasets to explore diverse business outcomes. Users can leverage these examples from either Editor or Jupyter.
  • Strategic queries: These are ad hoc queries that represent business questions intended to draw deeper insights from large stores of data. These are often complex and involve aggregations and joins across multiple tables.
  • Tactical queries: These are short, highly tuned operational queries that facilitate decision-making in a time-sensitive environment.
  • Cloud data lake analytics: Query and explore Amazon S3 and Azure Blob datasets on-demand without requiring any of the data to be pre-transformed or copied into local relational tables.
Vantage Trial Accounts
  • TCore-Hours Metering: Vantage Trial accounts are allocated 10,000 TCore-Hours for use over a 30-day period. TCore-Hours are consumed according to the size and number of cloud instances active at any point in time. Metering information on TCore-Hours can be viewed in the Console and the Vantage App Launcher page shows the remaining TCore-Hours available in a User’s Trial system. For more information, read about TCore-Hours.
  • Users & System Limits: It’s easy for Vantage Trial Users to add colleagues to their environment; each Trial account can support up to 10 Users with each having similar access privileges. Every Trial system gets 2 TB of Customer Data Space (CDS); 1 TB of shared perm space for power Users to upload data that can be shared among others, and 100 GB of dedicated perm space per User.
Vantage Trial Availability
Vantage Trial currently runs on AWS. Customers may select one of the following regions for their Trial system:
  • Americas: Northern Virginia, Ohio, Northern California, Oregon, Canada (Central)
  • EMEA: Frankfurt, Ireland, London
  • Asia Pacific: Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo
Vantage Trial is planned to be available on Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud at a later date.
Getting Started with Vantage Trial
Vantage Trial is currently an invitation-only program. Please work with your Teradata Account team to request a Trial.

Über Aditya Thatte

Aditya is a Senior Staff Product Manager at Teradata. He is an experienced product leader, having built and managed multi-million dollar B2B SaaS offerings in the area of cloud computing. His current responsibilities include driving various aspects of Vantage delivered as-a-service in the public cloud, such as radically simplifying the cloud user experience, improving operational efficiency and driving consumption. Aditya loves defining and building platforms from the ground-up that address solving complex, enterprise and human-centric problems.

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