Move from fraud detection to fraud prevention. Outsmart tech-savvy fraudsters.
Security Fraud prevention

Move from fraud detection to fraud prevention. Outsmart tech-savvy fraudsters.

Financial services must stay one step ahead of fraudsters to reduce losses and protect customers

Consumer adoption of digital channels has accelerated, and fraudsters have followed close behind. Digital fraud—and the cost and complexity of managing it—is skyrocketing. A study from Juniper Research predicted $206 billion in online fraud losses for 2021-2025. As regulators increase pressure on banks to act, fraud detection and fraud prevention have become a top priority for financial services.

Case study

Top 5 global bank detects $100 million in preventable fraud

A bank was struggling with Remote Access Takeover (RAT) fraud, which grew 15% during COVID. With losses and pressure from regulators escalating, the bank needed to act fast. The bank needed a real-time solution to detect fraud and prevent losses before they happened.

Teradata and Celebrus established a hyper-personalized behavioral fraud solution that could prevent fraud, improve the customer experience, reduce losses, and improve business efficiency. Now 250,000 unique customer journeys are analyzed each hour at peak times. 70% of fraud is detectable and preventable, totaling $100 million in preventable fraud.


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