Combat the newest systemic risk in financial services
Rule_Settings Operational resilience

Combat the newest systemic risk in financial services

Operational resilience requires more choice, more agility and more freedom.

Shift data and move workloads between multiple cloud providers

Financial institutions are making big digitalization moves. Over the next decade, cloud will transform the industry. And the current trajectory is that this will happen using a narrow set of cloud service providers. This is precisely what has regulators worried. When regulators act, you’ll need flexibility. With a hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructure to future-proof your business, Teradata delivers this flexibility.

The future is hybrid and multi-cloud

To become the financial services institution of the future, a new kind of infrastructure is required. One that will bring the ultimate flexibility. Shift data and move workloads between multiple cloud providers, and even back on-premises if necessary. And make any data move swift – with minimal disruption.

More freedom. More choice. More agility. Equip your business for whatever comes next.


Speak to an expert

Find out how Teradata VantageCloud can help you accelerate business outcomes and deliver the business agility you need.

We’re here to help.

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