
We Stand as One with Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities

At Teradata, we're standing together with AAPI communities & commit to take action. It is our responsibility to create a change for the future - a world where everyone experiences safety & equality.

Kathy Cullen-Cote
Kathy Cullen-Cote
28. März 2021 2 min Lesezeit
Teradata stands against AAPI hate.

We are tragically reminded of the hate and racism that exists in the world around us with increased racial violence against the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Communities. The violent acts are incomprehensible and leave many of us feeling vulnerable and afraid. I believe these are the times it is most important to stand together in solidarity and recommit to driving change that will make a better tomorrow. At Teradata, we are committed to Stand as One and together we are committed to making a difference.

Acknowledging and committing is a first step, but to make real change we must have action that we drive and do, or it is only words. I hear this from our employees on many racial injustice fronts and it cannot be ignored. 
We are focusing on some near-term items to address the current AAPI situation, but we are also working on long-term, permanent changes we can make as a company. 

  • We have established a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Board to represent our global employees and provide insights and advice to our senior leaders.
  • We strive to create a safe environment where employees can speak up and be listened to - so we can learn and take action.
  • We have created programs that elevate empathy, awareness, and education with our senior leaders, who are committed to hear the experiences of others,  learn from them, and look for ways to make change happen to avoid repeats of systematic problems.

We have not figured it out or solved every problem, but we are committed to continue this journey of listening, learning, and growing together. 

We offer the following resources for our employees to act on either as members of the AAPI communities or as Allies. The actionable items can be accessed and used by anyone that is interested. Remember it is when we take action…we see change.

  • If you have experienced harassment or a hate crime: Tell your story. If you follow this link there is a large collection of stories that the AAPI community members and allies have shared. It is a good way to learn what the AAPI communities are experiencing.
  • If you witness a hate crime or harassment occurring, report the incident to Stop AAPI Hate 

At Teradata we are supporting a matching gift program to support organizations working for civil rights and fighting injustice. Organizations supported include, but are not limited to:

Teradata condemns racism and hate in all forms. We are committed to provide Teradata employees a safe environment with resources for managing racial trauma and stress. 
We stand together with the AAPI communities and we acknowledge and commit to take action. We believe that it is our responsibility to create a change for the future -- a world where everyone experiences safety, equality, and is loved for who they are. Together we can, and we will, make a difference.


Über Kathy Cullen-Cote

Kathy Cullen-Cote is Teradata’s Chief People Officer. In this role, she is responsible for the corporation’s talent strategies and programs and leads a global team of human resource professionals responsible for talent acquisition, compensation, benefits, equity programs, employee engagement and retention, and employee relations. Additionally, she oversees Teradata’s talent management as well as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion program.

With more than 30 years of experience in all facets of human resources, Kathy is a skilled leader in building a robust and caring culture of employee engagement, creating and guiding execution of human resources programs that focus on diversity, equity and inclusion and enhance the employee experience.

Kathy joined Teradata from PTC, a Boston-based software company, where she was serving as EVP and Chief Human Resources Officer. At PTC, she served in HR roles of increasing responsibility as she guided the organization’s growth through cultural transformation programs, global employee engagement initiatives, diversity, equity and inclusion, and the implementation and adoption of cutting-edge HR systems. Prior to PTC, she served in HR leadership roles at Johnson and Johnson, Raytheon, Imark Communications and Barry Controls. Kathy was awarded the 2018 Bob Gatti HR Leadership Excellence Award.

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